Taking care of your woman’s emotion is paramount in every healthy relationship. Studies shows that taking care of a woman’s emotions contributes to 93% success in every successful relationship be it marriage. Woman are special creatures from God, they have high sensitivity for slightest change in mood be it mood swing, because of this their mental balance is always at stake.
Below are 10 Ways You Can Take Care of Your Woman’s Emotion
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1. Effective communication:
Communication is the key of every relationship, woman love a relationship that creates avenue for them to communicate their feelings and emotional well being.
When communication is effective in any relationship, your woman will be free share her worries and her fears and not bottling things for you.
You as a man should be transparent and honest, share your feelings as you encourage her to do the same.
With effective communication, you can easily identify the emotional state of your woman and work on it if it has to do with you.
With effective communication, relationship related problems can be easily identify and tackled.
2 Empathy:
This is the ability to understand your woman’s feelings, thoughts and emotions, trying to have the same feeling of her dissatisfaction about something with her.
Placing her self in her shoes to understand her feelings better.
Women are unpredictable and mysterious, what you think is good might or will never be good for her.
For you to manage her emotions properly, you have to try as much as you can to view things from her own perceptive, which might be very difficult for you as man but you have adapt.
3 Support:
Woman value and respect any man that offer them emotional and physically support.
As a man you are obliged to know when your woman needs your support and offer that to her.
Ask her to know where she needs your support, help her during her difficult times
Keep assuring her that she is not alone and you are always there for her.
When she is crying don’t abandon her, hug her, kiss her these things makes a woman feel loved .
4 Patient:
This is very important when it comes to woman, for you to be to deal with a woman you have to patient so as to enable you endure and tolerate some certain things.
Women’s emotions are too complex and they need time to process them.
They speak when they feel like, don’t pressure a woman to speak when she is not ready to because you will end up being frustrated.
Women has what it takes to push a man to the wall and do what is not supposed to be done, especially when she is experiencing mood swings, pregnant or menstruating, they act wild during this tough time.
You must exercise patient and allow her do her things before you come in else you will cause a lot of damages if you act immediately.
And again, women can easily affected emotional, most of them is being controlled by their emotions, they don’t think straight.
They do things as directed by their emotions.
And so for you deal with a woman’s emotion you have to be patient with her.
5 Appreciate and love:
For you to be able manage a woman’s emotion, compliment her often and be sincere with her.
Appreciate her efforts as to encourage her do more.
When you say, you love her, mean it don’t be ironical. Sometimes, hug her, leave a note for her so she will know that you love and value her.
Love your woman unconditional, love her privately and publicly
Don’t criticize every of her actions, try to get over something but if it’s unbearable, correct her we love and respect.
Then if she is sensible enough she will learn and cooperate.
Celebrate her success, buy her gifts, women love gifts.
6 Respect her boundaries:
As a man, it’s important you know your limit in a woman’s life .
Women value their space and privacy, they see any man that overceed their limit in a woman’s life as a coward.
To them, such man is a disagrace to manhood. Women and mood swings are 5 and 6, when she is not in her usual mood, respect that, understand that it’s their nature and everything will be ok if she comes around.
Don’t force her Into conversations that she uncomfortable with, she will let you know if it’s convenient for her.
In dealing with a woman’s emotion, you must be observant enough to handle their State of mind and not end up hurting them.
7 Safe environment:
Create a safe environment for your woman to be emotional secure without the fear of being judged or criticized.
When a woman is not safe with her man, she will never be comfortable with such relationship rather she will seek it from elsewhere.
You will see a woman failing in love with her therapist, manager as the case may be, this is because she can confide on them and they create a safe environment for her to express her feelings and emotions which she lacks in her relationship.
This is because if she is open to her man,the man will use her weakness against her and end up hurting her more, she needs an avenue that will provide her with that which she lacks in her relationship.
8 Attention:
Women values attention, they love it when you listen as they touch.
Don’t be too busy for your woman, create time for her, pay attention to her needs and wants.
Maintain eye contact with her when she is talking to show that she is important to you.
Play with her, spend time with her , sometimes her body language and mood should tell you more about her emotions.
Make her comfortable if you notice any sign of discomfort.
Women are like babies and so should be treated like one.
9 Growth:
Encourage your woman’s growth don’t neglect her little beginning.
Celebrate her achievement no matter how small.
Help her in achieving her goal and passion.
Build her, make her to be the woman you want.
Support her dreams, don’t always be quick to criticize her mistakes.
Women value men that encourage their growth.
10. Self care
As a man you have to be emotionally stable to manage your woman’s emotion.
Take care of your emotional well being.
Don’t be controlled by your feelings to enable you handle the emotion of your woman. You are a man, she is a woman, when fail to acknowledge the fact that men don’t get as too emotional as women you can be able to balance the emotions of your woman